Newton fractal in Julia using Symbolics.jl
The most recent video of 3blue1brown covered Newton fractals, a family of fractal curves that are obtained by applying Newton's method to complex numbers. Since I am covering Newton's method in my optimization course this week, it might be an entertaining illustration to play around with this topic.
Newton's method
Newton's method is a root-finding algorithm. We can use it to find roots of a function \(f\), i.e., inputs \(x\) for which it holds that \(f(x)=0\).
When executing Newton's method, we start with an initial \(x\) and iteratively apply the following rule till convergence:
\[ x \mapsto x - \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}\,. \]This rule can be derived by taking the first-order Taylor approximation of \(f(x+h)\) in \(x\) and solving for the step \(h\) that sets the approximation to zero.
Let us apply this to a simple function!
f(x) = x^3 - 1;
For most functions, we can compute its derivative, and hence Newton update, easily enough. However, let us be lazy and use this opportunity to use Julia's new CAS Symbolics.jl
. We write a function that takes a function as an input and computes the map above:
using Symbolics
function get_map(f)
# define variable
@variables x
# define derivative operator
Dx = Differential(x)
map = x - f(x) / Dx(f(x)) |> expand_derivatives
# now we expand and compile to a Julia function
update_expr = build_function(map, x)
return eval(update_expr)
update = get_map(f)
#1 (generic function with 1 method)
Yes! We get a new function: the update map! Let us try it on a value \(x=2\)
update(2.0) # apply map once
update(update(2.0)) # apply map twice
UndefVarError: `update` not defined
update(update(update(2.0))) # apply map thrice
UndefVarError: `update` not defined
update(update(update(update(2.0)))) # apply map four times
UndefVarError: `update` not defined
We see that after a couple of steps, the Newton method converges to the root \(x=1\).
For our convenience, let us define a function that applies this map \(n\) times.
function applyiteratively(x, update; n=100)
for i in 1:n
x = update(x)
return x
applyiteratively(2.0, update) # apply 100 times
UndefVarError: `update` not defined
Complex roots
Astute readers might have noticed that \(x^3-1\) has three roots: one real (\(x=1\)) and two complex ones (\(x=-1/2+\sqrt{3}i/2\) and \(x=-1/2-\sqrt{3}i/2\)). Would our method also work with complex inputs?
applyiteratively(-2.0 - 2.0im, update)
UndefVarError: `update` not defined
We see that this converges to a different (complex) root! Other values might converge to different roots!
applyiteratively(2.0 + 2.0im, update)
UndefVarError: `update` not defined
The Newton fractal
Imagine that we try this process for many complex numbers in an interval. Depending on the initial starting input, we end up in a different root. By colouring the results according to the root we end up in, we obtain the Newton fractal.
lower = -2 - 2im
upper = 2 + 2im
step = 0.5e-2
# generate a range of complex values
Z0 = [a+b*im for b in real(lower):step:real(upper),
a in imag(lower):step:imag(upper)]
# apply the update 100 times
Z100 = applyiteratively.(Z0, update);
UndefVarError: `update` not defined
This results in a large complex matrix. We might define a colourmap for complex numbers as done here, though plotting the angle of the complex number in polar coordinates suffices.
using Plots
heatmap(angle.(Z100), colorbar=false, color=:rainbow, ticks=false)
Failed to precompile Plots [91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80] to "/Users/michielstock/.julia/compiled/v1.9/Plots/jl_VlYjhH".

Below are some other examples.
\[ f(x) = x^8 + 15x^4 -16 \]UndefVarError: `get_map` not defined

UndefVarError: `get_map` not defined